Et voici les sollicitations d’Image Comics pour le mois d’août prochain ! et pour une fois je n’ai pas grand chose à dire sur l’offre gargantuesque et alléchante de l’éditeur car tout cela sonne comme une chanson qui tourne en boucle désormais ! oh oui plaignons nous de toutes ces séries de grande qualité non engouffrées dans des crossovers qui vont tout changer pendant 3 min. Ah là là que notre vie de lecteur est difficile.
Pour une fois cependant, aucune nouvelle série Image ne m’intéresse plus que ça. Tant mieux sans doute, cela laisse plus de place pour les autres titres en cours ! de Birthright à Invincible, en passant par Rat Queens, Descender, Injection, We Stand on guards …et bien d’autres ! et vous qu’est-ce qui vous tente ?
8House: Kiem #3
art / cover: Xurxo G. Penalta
story: Brandon Graham
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
A new 8HOUSE storyline starts this issue with amazingly detailed art by XURXO G. PENALTA as an astral projection soldier is sent on a secret mission.
’68: Last Rites #2
story: Mark Kidwell
art: Jeff Zornow & Jay Fotos
cover A: Nat Jones & Jay Fotos
cover B: Jay Fotos
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
New York City, 1970: As salvation falls from the winter sky, Faye Kuen takes Alice Gleason back to Pitt Island, New Jersey for a tale of horror and loss. Heroes will rise and fall in the dark, frozen shadow of the infamous Zodiac killer’s house of pain! The second part of the ’68 universe’s ultimate climax, with a haunting script by MARK KIDWELL and fear-shrouded artwork by JEFF ZORNOW and JAY FOTOS!
Airboy #3
story: James Robinson
art / cover: Greg Hinkle
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
The drug, booze and sex fueled actions of JAMES ROBINSON and GREG HINKLE have pushed Airboy to the brink. And, in order to straighten these two degenerates out, he’s taken them to his world: a steampunk arena of Allies vs. Nazis. But will the experience change James and Greg for the better? Will they finally see the light? Or will they corrupt this world too?
Alex + Ada, Vol. 3 TP
story: Jonathan Luna & Sarah Vaughn
art / cover: Jonathan Luna
August 12 / 136 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $12.99
In this final arc of the sci-fi drama, Alex and Ada struggle against the growing hatred for sentient robots and their human allies. Can they survive what’s around the corner?
Collects ALEX + ADA #11-15.
Apollo IX #1 (One-Shot)
story: Ashley Robinson
art / cover A: Fernando Argosino
cover B: Stjepan Sejic
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $3.99
FROM THE PAGES OF IXth GENERATION! Apollo IX is a ruthless scientist who uses his beauty in order to get his work done for him. Eros and Psyche are two of his brightest protégés, but will they live to see their contributions to Apollo IX’s latest experiment come to life?
Artemis IX #1 (One-Shot)
story: Dan Wickline
art / cover A: Johnny Desjardins
cover B: Stjepan Sejic
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $3.99
Still reeling from Hades IX’s surprise explosion in his city of New Cypress, Artemis IX tries to put things back to normal, only to discover that one of his own cyborgs is out to kill him. It could be only one of them or all of them, leaving him no one to trust. Just because you’re paranoid and the equivalent of a God doesn’t mean they’re not after you.
Astronauts In Trouble #3
story: Larry Young
art / cover: Charlie Adlard
August 05 / 32 pages / B&W / All Ages / $2.99
A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead. A guy got to the moon like he wanted, and ended up not happy about it.
The Beauty #1
story: Jeremy Haun & Jason A. Hurley
art / cover A: Jeremy Haun
cover B: Jenny Frison
cover C: Kevin Wada
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
THE PILOT SEASON WINNER RETURNS! Modern society is obsessed with outward beauty. What if there was a way to guarantee you could become more and more beautiful every day? What if it was a sexually transmitted disease? In the world of The Beauty, physical perfection is attainable. The vast majority of the population has taken advantage of it, but Detectives Foster and Vaughn will soon discover it comes at a terrible price. Writer/artist JEREMY HAUN (Constantine, Batwoman) and co-writer JASON A. HURLEY offer up a startling reflection on the cost of looking good in this procedural science fiction tale.
Birthright #10
story: Joshua Williamson
art / cover: Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $2.99
Can Mikey win his battle with the Nevermind?
Black Science, Vol 3: Vanishing Point TP
story: Rick Remender
art / cover: Matteo Scalera & Moreno Dinisio
August 12 / 128 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $14.99
The Anarchist League of Scientists dive deeper into the Onion than ever before. Now veterans of inter-dimensional travel, the team begins to realize how damaging their actions are on the fabric of reality. No longer content with merely fixing the Pillar and finding a way back home, they vow to uphold a new ideal: leave every dimension they visit better off than how they found it.
Collects BLACK SCIENCE #12-16.
Bloodstrike #2
story / art / cover: Rob Liefeld
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
All guns and ammo are pointed at Brigade as Bloodstrike fights to destroy Battlestone’s trans-dimensional network!
Chew, Vol. 10: Blood Puddin’ TP
story: John Layman
art / cover: Rob Guillory
August 05 / 128 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $14.99
Presenting a new storyline of the New York Times Best Selling, Harvey- and multiple Eisner Award-winning series about cops, crooks, cooks, cannibals, and clairvoyants.
Collects CHEW #46-50.
Copperhead #10
story: Jay Faerber
art / cover: Scott Godlewski & Ron Riley
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $3.50
The conclusion of our second story arc, as Clara’s manhunt comes to an end.
The Covenant #3
story / cover A: Rob Liefeld
art / cover B: Matt Horak
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
An invasion to the Philistine Capitol goes horribly wrong for Samuel and his dutiful men.
Dark Corridor #1
story / art / cover: Rich Tommaso
August 05 / 24 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
From the author of Clover Honey and 8 ½ Ghosts, RICH TOMMASO, comes an all-new ONGOING SERIES set in the fictional coastal city of RED CIRCLE—a city totally controlled by mobsters—who, after decades of wielding power, are silently being picked off oneby- one by unidentified female assassins. Like a Goodfellas script re imagined by Quentin Tarantino, this sprawling crime-adventure will keep you guessing and tuning in for more month after month!
Deadly Class #16
story: Rick Remender
art / cover: Wes Craig
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
Marcus’s long bloody freshman year at Kings Dominion is coming to an end. And the final exam will cost him either his life…or his soul.
Don’t miss the heart-breaking third arc finale of the dark teen drama.
Descender #6
story: Jeff Lemire
art / cover: Dustin Nguyen
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
The oldest secret in the Universe is revealed and DESCENDER will never be the same.
Dream Police #7
story: J. Michael Straczynski
art / cover: Sid Kotian & Juan Fernandez
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $2.99
Together Joe and Kate penetrate parts of the Dreamscape that are considered dangerous and off-limits. There is a bridge between the worlds where they may be able to get some of the information they need. When the other Dream Police find out what they’re doing, the Nightmares are sent to stop them.
Drifter #7
story: Ivan Brandon
art / cover A: Nic Klein
cover B: Tom Muller
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
Stranded on the dark side of Ouro, Abram begins to scavenge the wreckage of his ship, determined to find a way back home. But he’s not the only one out here picking over the bones of the past.
Elephantmen #67
story: Richard Starkings
art: Axel Medellin
cover: Karibu & Boo Cook
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
In every war, there are casualties.
The Empty #6
story / art / cover: Jimmie Robinson
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $3.99
The story arc comes to a close on The Empty when Lila and Tanoor meet the architect of their world, but in order to save The Empty they might have to kill their own creator.
Empty Zone #3
story / art / cover: Jason Shawn Alexander
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
Corinne gets a new look and a brutal attack provokes her to take action.
The Fuse #13
story: Antony Johnston
art / cover: Justin Greenwood
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
“PERIHELION,” Part One. 24 hours and a day of chaos for the MCPD! “Perihelion,” the day when the Fuse space station is closest to the Sun, has arrived. All leave is cancelled. All shifts are combined. All hell breaks loose!
The Humans #7
story: Keenan Marshall Keller
art / cover: Tom Neely
color: Kristina Collantes
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
A lost love is found and a brother is lost.
THE HUMANS will return in October.
Image Giant-Sized Artist’s Proof Edition: The Walking Dead #1
story: Robert Kirkman
art / cover: Tony Moore
August 26 / 32 pages / B&W / Mature Readers / $19.99
The all-new IMAGE GIANT-SIZED ARTIST’S PROOF EDITION series presents special artist achievements in their raw form in an oversized format. TONY MOORE’s gritty line work from THE WALKING DEAD #1 is presented here in glorious black and white inks, free of grey tones, at 11×17.
Injection #4
story: Warren Ellis
art / covers A & B: Declan Shalvey & Jordie Bellaire
August 12 / 24 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
A spriggan hunt among the dark satanic mills.
Invincible #122
story: Robert Kirkman
art: Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn, & Jean-Francois Beaulieu
cover: Ryan Ottley & Jean-Francois Beaulieu
August 19 / 24 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $2.99
Mark and Eve try to enjoy a little down time as a chain of events is set into motion that will change the way you look at Mark Grayson forever.
Invisible Republic, Vol. 1 TP
story: Gabriel Hardman & Corinna Bechko
art / cover: Gabriel Hardman & Jordan Boyd
August 19 / 144 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $9.99
SPECIAL LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF $9.99! When a reporter unearths the secret history of the recently deposed dictator of a remote colonized moon, he discovers exposing secrets can deadly. Collects INVISIBLE REPUBLIC #1-5.
Island Magazine #2
story / art: Emma Ríos, Ludroe, Simon Roy, & Brandon Graham
cover: Emma Ríos
August 19 / 112 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $7.99
This issue introduces SIMON ROY’S (PROPHET, Tiger Lung) tale of cannibals in space.
Jupiter’s Circle #6
story: Mark Millar
art / cover D: Davide Gianfelice
cover A / cover B (sketch variant) / cover C (B&W variant): Frank Quitely
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
A love triangle disrupts the team. Final issue of volume 1!
Kaptara #5
story: Chip Zdarsky
art / cover: Kagan McLeod
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $3.50
And so concludes “The Battle of a Million Limbs,” the last story of CHAPTER ONE!
Great jumping-on point for anyone who likes to read stories in reverse-order!
Lazarus #19
story: Greg Rucka
art: Michael Lark
cover: Owen Freeman
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
“POISON,” Part Three.
One bullet makes all the difference.
Legacy Of Luther Strode #4
story: Justin Jordan
art / cover: Tradd Moore & Felipe Sobreiro
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
On the border of the Land of Nod, Luther has to defeat the one opponent he can’t fight.
Low #9
story: Rick Remender
art / cover: Greg Tocchini
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
As the flame of hope sputters in the cold darkness of the sea, Della Cain roars forth with a vengeance to snuff it out completely. Hope is for the weak. And in this world, only the strong survive.
The Mantle #4
story: Ed Brisson
art / cover: Brian Level
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
Sometimes, when it seems all is lost and thousands of lives are at stake, you find yourself seeking the advice of a three story tall talking cat.
Material #4
story: Ales Kot
art: Will Tempest
cover: Tom Muller
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
The New Black Panther party.
The Mice Templar V: Night’s End #5
story: Bryan J.L. Glass & Michael Avon Oeming
art: Victor Santos, Michael Avon Oeming, Serena Guerra, Veronica Gandini, & Wil Quintana
cover A: Michael Avon Oeming
cover B: Victor Santos & Chandra Free
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $3.99
“LEGACY” The world has changed—yet for good or ill remains to be seen. For those mourning the deepest losses, the cost of transition has come at too steep a price. Faced with wounds that might never heal, the denizens of the Shadow Time must come to terms with the small part they serve in a far larger drama. And Wotan demands one final sacrifice! The grand finale of an 8-year creator-owned vision!
Minimum Wage: So Many Bad Decisions #4
story / art / cover: Bob Fingerman
August 05 / 32 pages / Partial Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
Odd what a mysterious roll of undeveloped film can inspire. In previous chapters we’ve seen snippets of Rob’s dreamscape, but this fourth installment dives head-first into a full-length sequence. Lovecraftian rites, anthropomorphic pets, and girlfriends of past, present, and possibly future all vie for Rob’s attention before the alarm clock tolls.
Morning Glories #50
story: Nick Spencer
art: Joe Eisma
covers A-D: Rodin Esquejo
August 19 / 48 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $4.50
SPECIAL FIFTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION! Celebrating five years of mind-bending mysteries with a blockbuster Season Two finale! It’s our biggest issue yet—with an ending that will leave EVERYONE talking. A true can’t-miss moment in one of the longest-running epics in comics today.
Mythic #4
story: Phil Hester
art: John McCrea, Gerardo Zaffino, & Michael Spicer
cover: John McCrea & Rian Hughes
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
The ghosts of Ragnarok descend on the crew. Waterson’s past is revealed.
Nailbiter #15
story: Joshua Williamson
art / cover: Mike Henderson
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
A shocking death unlocks the secrets of Buckaroo!
Nowhere Men, Vol. 1: Fates Worse Than Death TP (New Printing)
story: Eric Stephenson
art / cover: Nate Bellegarde, Jordie Bellaire, & Fonografiks
August 05 / 144 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $9.99
The Eisner-nominated sci-fi hit returns in a new printing, with an all-new cover to herald the series’ return in Fall 2015.
Oddly Normal #9
story / cover A: Otis Frampton
art: Otis Frampton & Tracy Bailey
cover B: Grant Gould
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / All Ages / $2.99
ODY-C #6
story: Matt Fraction
art / cover: Christian Ward
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
What happened to Ene the Conqueror and He of Troiia after they departed for their home at the end of the Great War?
Oemnibus TP
story / art: Michael Avon Oeming, Neil Vokes, Bryan J.L. Glass, Daniel Berman, & Ethan Beavers
August 05 / 304 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $24.99
Collecting seven one-shots and short stories created with Image Comics over the past 15 years, this volume includes out of print and rarely seen stories by Powers co-creator MICHAEL AVON OEMING. Collects 86 VOLTZ, PARLIAMENT OF JUSTICE, GOD COMPLEX, SIX, & more
Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #12
story: Robert Kirkman
art / cover: Paul Azaceta & Elizabeth Breitweiser
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
Our second story arc draws to a close as things spiral even more out of control. Kyle’s attempts to set his life straight seem to just keep pulling him deeper and deeper into darkness.
Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #1
story: Kieron Gillen
art / cover: Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
The team behind the New York Times bestselling and Eisner-nominated smash hit THE WICKED + THE DIVINE return to the acclaimed urban fantasy where they first made their names. Nearly a decade ago, Emily Aster sold half her personality for the power to rule a coven of phonomancers. I’m sure nothing could go horribly, monstrously wrong now. In a world where Music is Magic, a song can save or ruin your life. In THE IMMATERIAL GIRL, we discover what a video can do.
Pisces #5
story: Kurtis J. Wiebe
art / cover: Johnnie Christmas
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
Dillon comes face to face with the mysterious woman who haunts his vision.
Postal #6
story: Bryan Hill & Matt Hawkins
art / cover B: Isaac Goodhart
cover A: Linda Sejic
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $3.99
How does a small town stay completely off the grid? This issue shows how while Mark discovers just what it means to love someone.
Rasputin #8
story: Alex Grecian
art: Riley Rossmo & Ivan Plascencia
cover: Riley Rossmo
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
What really happened at that fateful dinner and how did Rasputin survive his plunge into the icy river in 1916? All is finally revealed.
Rat Queens #14
story: Kurtis J. Wiebe
art / cover: Stjepan Sejic
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
“DEMONS,” Part Four.
Hannah is reunited with her father for the first time in many years and in a way she never could have expected.
Revival #32
story: Tim Seeley
art: Mike Norton
cover: Jenny Frison
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
Tensions rise as sisters Em and Dana face off over Blaine Abel, and General Cale tries to solve the mystery of the « Creeps, » with horrific consequences.
Reyn #7
story: Kel Symons
art / cover: Nathan Stockman
August 12 / 24 pages / Full Color / All Ages / $2.99
Reyn and Seph deal with her father’s death as they look for a way out.
Roche Limit: Clandestiny #4
story: Michael Moreci
art / cover: Kyle Charles
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $3.50
Langford presents Sasha and Elbus with a life or death ultimatum.
Rocket Girl #9
story: Brandon Montclare
art / cover: Amy Reeder
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $3.99
Even more all-out action. See why Mark Millar says: “I bloody love this book!”
Rumble #6
story: John Arcudi
art / cover A (wraparound): James Harren
cover B: Lee Bermejo
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
RUMBLE #6 is a stand-alone story that is also the first chapter of the next big arc. Featuring a wraparound cover by JAMES HARREN and a variant cover by superstar LEE BERMEJO!
RunLoveKill, Vol. 1 TP
story: Jon Tsuei
art / cover: Eric Canete
August 19 / 96 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $9.99
The Origami, a mysterious military organization, is on the hunt for one of their former assassins, Rain Oshiro. Their grasp over the city of Prygat is tightening and Rain has less than twenty-four hours to get out before she’s trapped forever. Rain must face the decisions of her past while using everything at her disposal to avoid capture or even worse, death. Collects RUNLOVEKILL #1-4.
Satellite Sam, Vol. 3: Satellite Sam And The Limestone Caves Of Fire TP
story: Matt Fraction
art / cover: Howard Chaykin
August 12 / 144 pages / B&W / Mature Readers / $14.99
Collects SATELLITE SAM #11-15.
Savage Dragon #208
story / art / cover: Erik Larsen
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $3.99
In Final Battle.
Savior #5
story: Todd McFarlane & Brian Holguin
art / cover: Clayton Crain
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $2.99
John Doe finds a person who knows who and WHAT he is. Part five of an eight-issue origin story!
Sex Criminals #13
story: Matt Fraction
art / cover: Steve Zditko
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / MMMMMM / $3.50
Sex Criminals #13 COOP XXX VARIANT
story: Matt Fraction
art: Steve Zditko
cover: Arthur Fonzarellie « Coop » Cooper
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / MMMMMM / $4.69
Same comic! Only polybagged! Because the cover is completely (limited edition) filth!
Shutter #14
art / cover: Leila Del Duca & Owen Gieni
story: Joe Keatinge
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.99
Kate can’t outrun the truth.
Skullkickers Treasure Trove, Vol. 3 HC
story: Jim Zub
art / cover: Edwin Huang & Misty Coats
August 26 / 320 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $34.99
The fan favorite SKULLKICKERS story concludes in this gorgeous oversized hardcover edition collecting the fifth and sixth story arcs along with lots of spiffy extras and rarities.
Collects SKULLKICKERS #24-34.
Sons Of The Devil #4
story: Brian Buccellato
art / cover: Toni Infante
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
A dangerous face from the past re-emerges.
Southern Bastards #11
story: Jason Aaron
art / cover: Jason Latour
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
Deep in the woods of Craw County lives a man who may be even more dangerous than Coach Boss. He hunts with a bow. Handles snakes. Hates football. And has just been given a special mission from God.
Southern Cross #6
story / cover: Becky Cloonan
art: Andy Belanger & Lee Loughridge
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
Braith pays a high price for revenge.
Spawn #256
story: Paul Jenkins
art / cover: Jonboy
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $2.99
Spawn makes a decision that will change the game for everyone.
Spread #10
story: Justin Jordan
art / cover: Kyle Strahm
August 19 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
“The Children’s Crusade,” Part Three.
Old friends become new enemies.
Starve #3
story: Brian Wood
art / cover: Danijel Zezelj & Dave Stewart
August 12 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
Daughter joins father on stage for a special, blood-drenched taping of Starve. A market pig has 13 pints of blood in its body, did you know that?
Stray Bullets, Vol. 3: Other People TP
story / art / cover: David Lapham
August 19 / 256 pages / B&W / Mature Readers / $19.99
Beth and Virginia have relocated to Los Angeles where things only appear more normal… Take a ringside seat for these brutal tales of twisted emotion that will knock you to the mat and have you seeing stars…
Collects STRAY BULLETS #15-22.
Sunstone, Vol. 3 OGN
story / art / cover: Stjepan Sejic
August 26 / 128 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $14.99
STJEPAN SEJIC continues the critically acclaimed SUNSTONE series with volume three. A classy, sexy, fun, and emotional look at two women and the alternative lifestyle they live. It’s all fun and games until someone falls in love! But the fun and games carry on!
The Surface TP
story: Ales Kot
art / cover: Langdon Foss, Jordie Bellaire, & Tom Muller
August 26 / 136 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $14.99
A mind-bending SF action epic in the tradition of Philip K. Dick and INCAL now bound in a psychedelic collection—ready to twist your strings! Collects THE SURFACE #1-4.
Tales Of Honor: Bred To Kill #3
story: Matt Hawkins
art / cover A: Linda Sejic
cover B: Rahsan Ekedal
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $3.99
Honor Harrington, Scotty Tremaine, and Horace Harkness continue their adventure to Eros to find Honor’s missing Uncle.
They’re Not Like Us #7
story: Eric Stephenson
art / cover: Simon Gane, Jordie Bellaire, & Fonografiks
August 26 / 24 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
The Tithe, Vol. 1 TP
story: Matt Hawkins
art / cover: Rahsan Ekedal
August 26 / 136 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $14.99
A heist story unlike any before! Mega-churches are being robbed for millions of dollars by a crusader hacker group known as Samaritan who is giving the money to causes they deem more worthy. This modern day “Robin Hood” is being pursued by two FBI agents who actually admire their quarry but want to stop the theft before it escalates. Collects THE TITHE #1-4.
Trees #12
story: Warren Ellis
art / cover: Jason Howard
August 19 / 24 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
People are going to die for what happened after the Tree landed on Manhattan.
Valhalla Mad #4
story: Joe Casey
art: Paul Maybury
cover: Paul Maybury & Sonia Harris
August 26 / 32 pages / Full Color / 12+ / $3.50
An immortal mistake carries with it extremely mortal consequences. Thou must purchase this comic book!
The Walking Dead #145
story: Robert Kirkman
art: Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, & Cliff Rathburn
cover: Charlie Adlard & Dave Stewart
August 12 / 32 pages / B&W / Mature Readers / $2.99
Blood for Blood.
The Walking Dead, Vol. 24: Life And Death TP
story: Robert Kirkman
art: Charlie Adlard, Stefan Gaudiano, & Cliff Rathburn
cover: Charlie Adlard & Dave Stewart
August 26 / 136 pages / B&W / Mature Readers / $14.99
As the fair opens at Alexandria, old friends return from afar and new adversaries make their introductions.
Collects THE WALKING DEAD #139-144.
Wayward, Vol. 2: Ties That Bind TP
story: Jim Zub
art / cover: Steve Cummings & Tamra Bonvillain
August 26 / 136 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $16.99
After the traumatizing finale of volume one, everything has changed for our supernatural teens. Who is Ohara and how does she fit into the great pattern of destiny and power that will change Japan forever?
Collects WAYWARD #6-10.
We Stand On Guard #2
story: Brian K. Vaughan
art / cover: Steve Skroce
color: Matt Hollingsworth
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $2.99
The summer blockbuster from BRIAN K. VAUGHAN and STEVE SKROCE continues, as the futuristic conflict between the Canadian freedom fighters and their American occupiers takes a shocking turn!
The Wicked + The Divine #13
story: Kieron Gillen
art / cover A: Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson
cover B: Tula Lotay
August 05 / 32 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
There’s one god missing in our story. It’s time to finally meet Tara, Goddess of God-knows. Also, meet TULA LOTAY (SUPREME: BLUE ROSE) who joins Team WicDiv as the second guest artist in our Eisner Nominated Series. We had to mention the Eisner nom. We are shameless.
Witchblade: Borne Again, Vol. 3 TP
story: Ron Marz
art: Francesco Manna, Maan House, & Gabriel Rearte
cover: Stjepan Sejic
August 26 / 136 pages / Full Color/ T+ / $14.99
After reliving the death of Darkness host Jackie Estacado, Witchblade bearer Sara Pezzini is tempted by an opportunity that lures her away from her duties as an upstate sheriff and back to New York City. But is the offer to work as supernatural enforcer for a powerful sorceress too good to be true? Even if Sara survives, her life will never be the same!
Collects WITCHBLADE #180-184.
Witchblade: Redemption, Vol. 1-4 TP Set
story: Ron Marz
art / cover: Stjepan Sejic
August 19 / 640 pages / Full Color / 15+ / $19.99
The seminal run by RON MARZ and STJEPAN SEJIC is available in this value-priced set edition! 640 pages for under $20!
Wolf #2
story: Ales Kot
art / cover: Matt Taylor & Lee Loughridge
August 12 / 24 pages / Full Color / Mature Readers / $3.50
History comes alive. The investigation thickens.
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